Transform Your Smile With Clear Aligners [BLOG]

If you are feeling depressed about your appearance on account of those crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth that have followed you around since childhood, we have some great news for you: at our Dallas, TX dental office, there’s no age limit on getting a better smile. After all, your smile is the very first thing that most people will notice about you. So, it is worth getting right, at any stage of life.
Here’s some even better news: depending on your situation, you might be a good fit for a program called Invisalign. Keep reading to hear the top 5 benefits of this clear aligners orthodontic treatment system, and then call us at 214-340-4965, if you are as impressed as we are!
1. The Treatment Is More Discreet Than Braces
There won’t be a metallic maze on display in your mouth. As such, there won’t be any unnecessary comments, questions, or nicknames. That’s because this orthodontic technique utilizes clear (nearly invisible) plastic aligners to move your teeth into better position. No one will ever know that you are in the midst of a major orthodontic overhaul, unless you decide to clue them in.
2. Your Invisalign Gear Can Be Removed For Short Breaks!
Consider this: once you have classic metal braces placed in your mouth, there is no getting free from it, until your treatment is completed after 2-3 long years, in most cases. You just have to carry on.
Invisalign aligners won’t be that way at all. You can take them out for meals, and really any time you feel the need as long as you wear them 22 hours a day. This makes for a much more tolerable treatment experience.
3. You Won’t Have To Change Your Lifestyle
With Invisalign, you won’t have to schedule time away from your job to get orthodontic tune-up adjustments each month. rather, you help manage the process by switching out your aligners for the next ones in the series (every two weeks or so). This can all be done at home.
Beyond that, you won’t need to keep special cleaning tools around, or waste time shopping for food that won’t get trapped in your metal wires and brackets. None of those problems will apply to you. You’ll just brush, floss, and rinse as usual. You can eat whatever you want.
4. The Process Is Comfortable!
While metal braces have their place, and still work well for some patients, no one truly grows accustomed to the harsh feel of metal in the mouth.
Luckily, Invisalign aligners won’t cause pain the way that traditional braces can. They are more like a mouthguard in the way that they rest comfortably over your teeth. So, you won’t need to rely on waxes to form a protective barrier over your soft tissues. With your clear aligners, there won’t be any bleeding, sores, or discomfort along the way.
5. It Happens Fast!
With Invisalign, you can look and feel much better in only about 12 months time. That’s quite a bit faster than the 2-3 years braces often take to complete the job.
And once treatment is over, your smile will be healthier and will look great in its more uniform and straight form.
This Spring, Change Your Smile For Good!
We hope you have been inspired to take the next step toward a better-looking, healthier smile. Call American Family Dental in Dallas, TX today at 214-360-7261 or fill out our online form to schedule an Invisalign clear aligners consultation appointment. You’ll be so glad you did!